Andy wrote:
Sorry for the late answer,
I have different applications and the users are kept in DB so I cannot
make for every user a directory.
I made a solution with .htaccess from apache and redirection to a php
script that outputs the image if the user has rights to the images.
I will still have to check the performance of the system in this case,
but I think it will be the same.
The performance Issue that I asked was:
Is there a difference if apache sends the image or If I output it with
php with readfile.
Yes there will be a difference.
If apache sends the image, it just does:
- is the path valid?
- send it.
If you use readfile, apache has to fire up php, process the php script
which then sends the image (which means another handle to read the file
and so on), so there is a big difference between the two.
Depending on how busy your server is, it may or may not be measurable
but there is a big difference in terms of processing.
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