Steve Turnbull wrote:
Hey folks I don't want to "just get you to do the work", but I have so far tried in vain to achieve something... I have a string similar to the following; cn=emailadmin,ou=services,dc=domain,dc=net I want to extract whatever falls between the 'cn=' and the following comma - in this case 'emailadmin'. Question(s); is this possible via a regular expression? does php have a better way of doing this? Some pointers would be greatly appreciated. Once I have working, I will be creating a function which will cater for this and will post to this list if anyone is interested? Cheers Steve
$pattern= "%cn=([a-z]+)%i"; //Or, if numbers are ok, you an use "\w" instead of [a-z] preg_match($pattern, $your_string, $match); $value= $match[1]; -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: