Yesterday I wrote a request for some help with setting the column width when exporting a php generated page to Excel. After further research I was able to find setColumn(). There were some that asked what I was able to come up with when using this feature since the documentation is incomplete. For those of you that are using the Spreadsheet Excel Writer with Pear and PHP use the following to set the width of a column... // Creating a workbook $workbook = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Writer(); //Setting column width $worksheets1->setColumn(0,0,10.00); This example breakdown as follows... setColumn(0,0,10.00) == the first column to be affected by the width setColumn(0,0,10.00) == the last column to be affected by the width setColumn(0,0,10.00) == the width as a float The setColumn() needs to be set before any data is being written to the spreadsheet. If you only wont one column to be affected by the setColumn() then you set the first and last column values to the same column number. If you want to affect more than one column you can set the last column to the desired column number, just remember the column numbering begins with a 0. Jef Sullivan J-MAC & AutoAir 3520 South State Street Salt Lake City, UT 84115 801-269-2030 - Telephone 801-269-2065 - Fax