At 1:55 PM -0400 6/28/06, Jon Anderson wrote: >I really don't understand why people have such disregard for PHP as a template system... I'm not saying one way is better or worse (it's really a matter of preference), just that the PHP way isn't implicitly bad or messy... > >/* The Smarty way */ >$smarty->assign('display_variable',$display_variable); >... >{* template *} ><dl> > {foreach key=key item=var from=$display_variable} > <dt>{$key}</dt><dd>{$var}</dd> > {/foreach} ></dl> > >/* The PHP way */ ><dl> > <?php foreach ($display_variable as $key => $var) { ?> > <dt><?= $key?></dt><dd><?= $var ?></dd> > <?php } /* end foreach ($display_variable) */ ?> ></dl> > >Is it really *that* bad? > >jon Not at all, if I see it my way: <dl> <?php foreach ($display_variable as $key => $var) { ?> <dt><?= $key?></dt> <dd><?= $var ?></dd> <?php } ?> </dl> But, as the old lady kissed the cow "To each their own." tedd -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: