<offtopic type="slightly offtopic" class="poetic literary"> A sad poem of an algorithm where solitude brought excessive use of cpu cycles and memory allocation for redundant data (it copied over and over again the same image till all memory was filled with it) ------------------------------ $timeWaiting = 0; while (!$you->near($me)) { $me->thinkAbout($you); switch (true) { case $timeWaiting < 5: $me->wait($you); break; case $timeWaiting < 10: $me->worry(); break; case $timeWaiting < 20: $me->lookFor($you); break; case $timeWaiting < 40: $me->worry(); $me->lookFor($you); break; case $timeWaiting < 80: $me->worry(); $me->cry(); $me->lookFor($you); $me->lookFor($you); $me->lookFor($you); break; case $timeWaiting < 160: $me->worry(); $me->cry(); $me->drink(); $me->lookFor($you); $me->lookFor($you); $me->lookFor($you); $me->thinkAbout($you); $me->thinkAbout($you); $me->cry(); $me->lookFor($you); $me->lookFor($you); $me->drink(); $me->drink(); break; default: throw new CantLiveWithoutYou(); die("alone"); } $timeWaiting++; } $me->happy = true; ------------------------------ I hope you enjoyed the poem and the fact that I didn't ask you to fix it or find the bug in it =D PD: Run in your web server at your own risk. </offtopic>