Hi Andrei,
I have tried the connection_aborted() in my code , however it not
working at all , below is my code:
If i close the browser window(IE) , the script still running and call
the difference() function as shown below:
Any ideas what is happening ? Thanks
$options = array("complexType" => "object");
$xml_util = new XMLUtil($filepath, $options);
$xml_error = $xml_util->getXMLError();
$_logger->logdebug("xml error listflag.php", $xml_error);
if (!$xml_error) {
$data = $xml_util->getUnserializedData();
} else {
$errorMessage = 'XML file is not well-formed. Please amend XML file
before upload.';
echo $errorMessage;
if (!connection_aborted()) {
$diffresult = difference($data); <----call function even close
browser window
$_SESSION['diffresult'] = $diffresult;
header('Location: ../difference.php');
} else {
$_logger->logdebug("program aborted");
header('Location: ../difference.php');
Andrei wrote:
Check int connection_aborted ( ) in the PHP manual
weetat wrote:
Hi all,
Can we detected if user have clicked the "X" button in browser or
close browser ?
I have tested in my php program ,when i click "X" in IE6 , the
execution did not stop , it still running .
Any ways to stop the program execution when user click the "X" button
or close browser ?
- weetat
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