(sorry for the duplicate response Parathaban, forgot to reply to the
Look at example 4 from http://us3.php.net/function.mail
> $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
> $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";
That should get you started.
On Jun 20, 2006, at 9:41 PM, Prathaban Mookiah wrote:
I am not sure if I understood your problem correct. But the way I
it, you want the mail to be displayed as:
F-namn: J
L-namn: R
Birth: 12
Address: 34
Zip: 56
City: 78
Phone: 90
Mail: jkj@xxxxxx
Desc: N
Hair: hair
Make: makeup
Am I correct? If that is the case, I guess you should use '\n'
instead of
---------- Original Message -----------
From: Jonas Rosling <webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: PHP Lists <php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tue, 20 Jun 2006 23:56:47 +0200
Subject: Processing HTML in mail form
I've done the following code bellow for an e-mail form. But it
handles the HTML tags as text. Is there anyway to get the HTML tags
processed to form the mail?
$subject = 'Intresseanmalan';
$forname = stripslashes($forname);
$lastname = stripslashes($lastname);
$date_of_birth = stripslashes($date_of_birth);
$post_address = stripslashes($post_address);
$zip_code = stripslashes($zip_code);
$city = stripslashes($city);
$phone = stripslashes($phone);
$mail = stripslashes($mail);
$description = stripslashes($description);
$hairdresser = stripslashes($hairdresser);
$makeup = stripslashes($makeup);
$text = 'F-name: '.$forname.'<br>'.
'L-name: '.$lastname.'<br>'.
'Birth: '.$date_of_birth.'<br>'.
'Address: '.$post_address.'<br>'.
'Zip: '.$zip_code.'<br>'.
'City: '.$city.'<br>'.
'Phone: '.$phone.'<br>'.
'Mail: '.$mail.'<br>'.
'Desc: '.$description.'<br>'.
'Hair: '.$hairdresser.'<br>'.
'Make: '.$makeup;
mail('monica@xxxxxxxxxxx',$subject,$text,"From: $forname
$lastname <$mail>");
The mail looks like this when recived:
F-namn: J<br>L-namn: R<br>Birth: 12<br>Address: 34<br>Zip:
56<br>City: 78<br>Phone: 90<br>Mail: jkj@xxxxxx<br>Desc: N<br>Hair:
hair<br>Make: makeup
Thanks in advance // Jonas
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