Since you asked for some theory... theorically, you won't rely on
javascript to prepare/validate/whatever some data to the server, that's
what server-side scripts are for.
Note: you may use JS to make things quicker if possible, or to
pre-digest the data, but you shall not rely entirely on JS.
You say that not all browsers support the javascript functions you
pretend to use, and that not all them support Ajax either. That sounds
just like saying that not all browser will have javascript enabled
--that's why you shouldn't rely on javascript
Although, this isn't a javascript list, why don't you send whatever you
were trying to solve this issue? the code that uses JS functions not
supported for all the browsers that will potentially run the script (as
well as what these browsers are) Most likely someone will be able to
help you this way.
jekillen wrote:
i'm scratching my head with a difficulty.
The situation is this.
A script begins with one indexed array (not associative) and one other
indexed array
with the same values in a different order, the final order.
I want to create an interim array and progressively re order the array
until it matches
slot for slot one of the original arrays. At this point the script is
considered completed.
One important factor is that I'm looking to write this in javascript and
the interim
array will be altered by the actions of a web page user.
Why am I asking the php list? Because I have a better chance of getting
an answer
here. I'm not looking for help with javascript, specifically, just how
one would go about
this task. Answer with php code and some theory if you wish and I will
try to translate
it into javascript.
Some javascript functions I might use aren't supported in all the
browsers that will
potentially run the script.
I might resort to using Ajax and let php keep track for me. But, then
again not all
browsers will do the Ajax either (as I understand it).
Atentamente / Sincerely,
J. Rafael Salazar Magaña
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