Ben Ramsey wrote:
On 6/6/06 9:55 AM, Ruben Rubio Rey wrote:
Im having a trouble using memcached with pear db.
When im using memcache to store and retrieve an string, all works fine.
When Im using memcache to store a pear db resulset, it does not work!!
This retrieves data but pear::db does not understand it.
I really dont know
This is because $db->query returns a resource, which is a reference to
the data and not the data itself.
For example, let's say you're using the MySQL driver for PEAR::DB,
then when you call $db->query(), it uses mysql_query(). This function
will return a resource. When you store the resource to the memcache
server and then later retrieve it, it no longer maintains its
reference to the data.
If you want to store the data to the cache, I suggest you use getAll()
to retrieve an array of data and then store that to the memcache server:
$data =& $db->getAll($sSQL);
memcache_set($MEMCACHE_STR, MD5($sSQL), $data, 0, 10);
Now, your result set is stored properly on the memcache server.
Yes, it has sense. I have been working arround it but I didn't found the
solution. I ll try it tomorrow I ll tell what has happen!!!
Thanks a lot men!
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