Honestly, the easiest way to solve this is to switch to 'user' PHP sessions: http://php.net/session-set-save-handler
Thanks. I'm trying now to do this. I'm wondering about "session-set-save-handler" - what is "manual garbage collector" here? It means I must explicitly "unset" all variables or something else I must do? Once you do that, you're already nuking the actual session data for
expired sessions in your database, and you can delete anything else in parallel. Your only other option would be to troll through /tmp looking for PHP session filenames that match the session ID or whatever, and then searching your database for IDs that aren't listed in there, and...
Yes, I've tried this already - as a quick solve. I found out that session_save_path() returns null ander Windows (where I'm testing) and real folder on host side. And this means that I must use Windows temp folder and don't forget to filter files as 'sess_*'. Tony.