Well, I mean visitors of site. They can open it in several windows or in several browsers. I understand that each browser on a machine will be a session (in simple explanation). And for all of them I create some info in database. Then they close browser. I must clean up unused info. That's why I want to query alive sessions. Or query their death time (timeout). I thought of something like $sess=get_session_list(); or $isalive=is_session_alive($session_id); Thanks. On 5/4/06, Gerry D <gdanen.spam@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Can you have more than 1 session? On 5/2/06, Tony Aldrich <tony.aldrich@xxxxxxxxx> wrote: > Good day, > Does anybody know how to get a list of current sessions? > I need to clear some database rows that where associated with some SID. > Can it be done without probing of maxlifetime?