Schalk wrote:
Greetings All,
Where can I find a good tutorial on creating a login protected area
using php? I did a Google search and found a couple but, I would like to
get suggestions from the list. Thanks!
here is a set of functions that allow you to mimick a .htaccess style of
protected area I use them occasionally when I need quick and dirty protection
(i.e. single user, no specified permissions, etc)
it's not so much a tutorial as a basic example of simple protection
- maybe it gives you some ideas/insight.
you use them like so:
// sessions are required for this to work
// a line like this should be in you global include file
setSimplePageProtectionDetails("YOUR_USER_NAME", "YOUR_PWD");
// then on any page that needs protection (can also be set in the same global include)
here are the actual funcs:
function isCLI()
return (strtolower(php_sapi_name()) === 'cli');
function setSimplePageProtectionDetails($login, $pwd)
if (!$login || !$pwd) {
return 0;
return -1;
function simplePageProtection($bla = null)
if (isCLI()) {
return; // no point 'protecting' the CLI
die ('auth mechanism not setup properly');
if (($bla === null) || !$bla = strval($bla)) {
$bla = 'micrositedefault';
if (!isset($_SESSION['access_to_'.$bla.'_granted']) || !$_SESSION['access_to_'.$bla.'_granted']) {
$_SESSION['access_to_'.$bla.'_granted'] = false;
$login = isset($_SERVER[ 'PHP_AUTH_USER' ]) ? $_SERVER[ 'PHP_AUTH_USER' ]: false;
$pass = isset($_SERVER[ 'PHP_AUTH_PW' ]) ? $_SERVER[ 'PHP_AUTH_PW' ]: false;
if (strtolower(trim($login)) == strtolower(trim(SIMPLE_MICROSITE_AUTH_USER)) && $pass ===
$_SESSION['access_to_'.$bla.'_granted'] = true;
} else {
header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Please login '.SIMPLE_MICROSITE_AUTH_USER.'."');
header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized');
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