D. Dante Lorenso wrote:
I've already written the multi-threaded server using Java. I want to do
this in PHP, however, because the PHP "threads" can re-use PHP classes
I've already written and hence standardize on a single codebase and
language. Many other languages have threads (Java, C#, Python, Ruby,
etc) ... which is why I'm so amazed PHP does not even list Threads as a
priority. You simply can't be an enterprise language without these
basic features. Of course, don't get me started on namespaces too ;-)
No, choosing a different language has been considered and I'd rather
continue with my hacked multi-process PHP server solution before I am
ready to change to a different language.
As many other posters have pointed out, PHP does not support threads,
and is not likely to in the near future. It's not a 'basic' feature when
the language background is web-based scripting. None of the languages
you mention that do support threading were designed for web-based usage.
IMHO, if your main goal is to allow your threaded app to reuse existing
PHP classes then your best bet is to investigate embedding PHP into
something written in C or C++.
As far as your "hacked multi-process PHP server solution" goes, I would
suggest that you think about what is important to you for this project.
If your existing solution is good enough for your purposes then live
with it. If the only reason you're not willing to replace it with a
solution that would undoubtedly be faster, more stable and more
efficient is because you don't want to re-implement some existing code
that only exists in the wrong language, that's your choice. If it were
me, the goal of code reuse would never prevent me from using the right
tool for the job, but that's just me.
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