> > I am anxiously awaiting the > answers!.................g0g0g0g0g0!! > Me too. May be OP of Questions should tell the > answers now.. Oops sorry, had no idea there was such interest, also note that I have adopted the new subject instead of just plain old "shopping carts" as this is wayyyyy OT. John Nichel got most of them, or maybe all except I heard these a bit different from him, below is how I heard them: > >> 1) Why can't you get an Elephant to screw in a > >> lightbulb? Because they wont fit in a lightbulb! > >> 2)What the difference between a herd of Elephants > and > >> a bunch af grapes? Grapes are purple elephants are gray. > >> 3)What did the peanut say to the elephant? Nothing silly! Peanuts cant talk! > >> 4)Why did the elephant fall out of the tree? He slipped.... > >> 5)Why did the second elephant fall out of the > tree? Because he was glued to the first one that slipped...try to keep up will you? > >> 6)Why did the third elephant fall from of the > tree? He thought it was a game! There actually is a "why did the fourth elephant fall off the tree" question but its really stupid even by elephant jokes standards (imho) so I didnt include it...but if you want it the answer is " because when his mother asked if all the elephants were falling off the trees would he too? he said yes" > >> 7)What is gray and has four legs and a trunk? A mouse going on vacation! (Haha fooled you!) Here are a few other jems: 1 - How do you stop a charging Elephant? 2- What's black and stuck between the toes of charging Elephants? 3- Why don't elephants like playing cards in the jungle? (Whooooh this joke is sooooo old, mostly said near kindergarden level...) 4-Why do elephants wear sandals? 5 - Why do ostriches stick their head in the ground? 6 - How did the mouse become as big as an elephant? (Hint, think geek/computer nerd for the answer) 7 - What do you call an Elephant with a machine gun? Answers below...... 1 - Take away his credit card of course 2 - Slow pygmies 3 - Because of all the cheethas! 4 - So they wont sink in the sand 5- They are looking for the elephants that forgot to wear sandals 6- Bill gates give it a new operating system 7- Sir... Ok, there are a crapload more but will give others a chance to add theirs or let this thread die... or drop me a line for more ,have little to do today :-D Cheers! ------ - The faulty interface lies between the chair and the keyboard. - Creativity is great, but plagiarism is faster! - Smile, everyone loves a moron. :-) __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail.yahoo.com -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php