Merlin wrote:
I would like to associate to 2 variables the same content. Example: 'gm_GM', 'gm_CH' => array( unfortunatelly this syntax does not work. It simply overwrites gm_GM Any ideas on how to make this possible?
'gm_GM' is not overwritten, do a print_r($array) to verify. What you're telling PHP to do is to add a secuential index whose value is 'gm_GM', then an asociative index 'gm_CH' whose value is an array.
If you want to assign the same value to both index, you need to simply do 'gm_GM' => $value, 'gm_CH' => $value, or $array['gm_GM'] = $array['gm_CH'] = $value; -- Atentamente, J. Rafael Salazar Magaña Innox - Innovación Inteligente Tel: +52 (33) 3615 5348 ext. 205 / 01 800 2-SOFTWARE -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: