<RANT type="long, lingering, desperate"> apparently calling a dynamic function using static syntax will cause an E_FATAL. well f***ing great. so the foundation of the Object<->Database mapping code I have been writing/developing since php5 was in beta [you won't believe how many segfaults I worked through - together with Ard B. (author of the ibase extension and fixer/finder of numerous killer bugs in php5)] in now dead-man-walking because both the DB class and the base class that drives the Object<-->Database mapping rely on the ability to call certain methods statically and dynamically - the code is carefully crafted to avoid any problems this might entail. refactoring is possible but the speed of the code will suffer _greatly_ because of the requirement that I must now create _hordes_ of objects just to call these certain methods (only to be able to throw away the object straight afterwards). oh and the late static binding I have been wishing for (for use in the same codebase) since Nov2003 will be part of php6 - but I won't be able to upgrade. :-( I feel rather shafted given the hoops I have had to jump through to keep my code working with every little version update of php5... I'll just go into a corner a cry for a while now - many thanks to whoever is inposing these fantastic restrictions. no doubt "King Wez" would say "quit bitching and file a bug report" - this time I might just do that. </RANT> -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php