marvin hunkin wrote:
need to install word press version 2.0.
you need to eat|breath|sleep, but I don't think blogging consitutes a
pre-requisite to the continuation of life on this planet. ;-)
and now using easy php 1-8, and set up my my sql settings in the
wpConfig.php file, and my username is localhost and the password is root.
when i try to load it in the browser, using http://localhost/install.php
which i put in the www. folder of easy php 1-8, i get this error in the
There doesn't seem to be a wp-config.php file. I need this before we can
Wordpress asks for 'wp-config.php' and you keep mentioning 'wpConfig.php'.
might that be the problem? (note the 2 filenames are not the same) if not
check your placing the wp-config.php in the correct directory.
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