Dear List, I have been working with a PHP script that curls a file from another server. This works fine on my local machine, but not on our live server. The script takes about 400 seconds to execute completely. I was under the impression that my call to set_time_limit(900); was helping. Well, I took that line out and nothing changed locally or on the server. In fact I even tried this little test: <?php // header include for my config (to get Util) error_reporting(E_ALL); echo '<br>max execution time: '. ini_get('max_execution_time'); sleep(40); echo "<br>done!"; echo "<br><br>Script Executed Time: ". Util::displayMicroTime( $_SCRIPT_START_TIME, Util::getMicroTime() ); die('<br>'.__FILE__.__LINE__); ?> Outputs: max execution time: 30 done! Script Executed Time: 40.01 /Users/eric/Sites/test/member_get_update.php26 Now why did this work? Shouldn't the script have timed out after 30 seconds? Thanks in advance! Eric