(Know enough to be dangerous beginner...)
Routine for a web login asked user name and password.
User Name is entered correctly.
Password is Incorrect.
Next Try.
User Name is enter correctly.
Password is Entered Correctly.
PHP notifies me on the html output that I am logged in. However, an
error is appearing in text above the html output. It states
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at D:\webpages\XXXX\users.inc:11) in
D:\webpages\XXXX\web\loginfunctions.php on line 26
Users.inc is
$domain = 'localhost';
$admin = 'xxxxx';
$user = 'xxxxx';
$web = 'xxxxx';
$password = 'xxxxxx';
$site = 'xxxxx';
$leads = 'xxxxx';
// Configuration settings for My Site
// Email Settings
$mailsite['from_name'] = 'xxxxx Website'; // from email name
$mailsite['from_email'] = 'webserver@xxxxxx'; // from email address
// Just in case we need to relay to a different server,
// provide an option to use external mail server.
$mailsite['smtp_mode'] = 'enabled'; // enabled or disabled
$mailsite['smtp_host'] = 'mail.xxxx.xxx;mail.xxxxx2.xxx';
$mailsite['smtp_port'] = '25';
$mailsite['smtp_username'] = null;
Line 26 from the loginfunctions.php file is
//now redirect the user to whatever page they wanted.
header('Location: index.php?href='.$link);
I can anticipate what the problem is with the notification that PHP
gives me with the headers already output. However, it says 'headers
already sent by users.inc', huh?
Suggestions of where to look on this bug is appreciated!
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