Andy wrote:
My problem still remains open!!!! Help!!!
I noticed that if the umlauts are received correctly but they are not
submitted in the right way.
For a ö I receive a POST as: ö
From the DB I get the text correctly.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
The DB encoding is : iso-8859-1.
Now, the strange thing is that is does not appear ALWAYS and only sometimes
and only in firefox.
So.. I cannot really reproduce the error every time.... which is hard to
POST as: ö
This is Unicode UTF-8 encoding.
If this error occours again check the following:
added tag in HTML:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
If this is set check if the browser is set correctly:
View -> charencoding/websitencoding
Check if it is set to Western ISO 8859-1
check how it is given out in the sourcecode.
check if there are entries which have an other kollation than the other
This is what i can think of.
Smileys rule (cX.x)C --o(^_^o)
Dance for me! ^(^_^)o (o^_^)o o(^_^)^ o(^_^o)
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