Ray Cantwell wrote:
Indeed i am looking for a tool to write my code with on a box that has
no gui
environment, However if a Jihad is going to ensue because of it, i
shall withdraw
my question, head bowed.
<context snipped in froward violation of common sense>
Well, kudos to you for discretion, which has been noted
as 'the better part of valor', indeed.
For our mutual edification, here are a few links relevant
to the discussion as it pertains to PHP in particular, from
a favorite forum of mine.
The classic:
The imitators:
http://www.phpbuilder.com/board/showthread.php?t=10274550 (GPL version)
Regarding WYSIWYG editors:
For the Mac user:
I'd also recommend plugging such terms as "editor", "text editor",
"PHP IDE" and so on into a good search engine.
Finally, try reading this:
--- for some background on why this question is so, um, politically
incorrect <?> (ahem), and try Googling the phrase "vi versus emacs"
to see that it's actually true.
Meanwhile, I'm off to unwedge my tongue, which seems to have
lodged itself firmly between my cheek and upper jaw....
Use what you want, they'll make more,
Kevin Kinsey
A wise man can see more from the bottom
of a well than a fool can from a mountain top.
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