If anyone has an answer for this, I would be greatly appreciative. I was trying to compare two values, the first is the total cost of products to be refunded, and the second is the original order total. To the naked eye, they both were coming out as 102.85, yet an if($Refund_Amount > $Order_Total) was coming back true, so..... I ran some tests, and did the following: $Order_Total = sprintf("%01.20f",$Order_Total); $Refund_Amount = sprintf("%01.20f",$Refund_Amount); which produced: $Order_Total = 102.84999999999999431566 and $Refund_Amount = 102.85000000000000852651 so, I figured I would try the following to make sure that the figures in the database weren't weird: $Bar = 102.85; $Foo = sprintf("%01.20f",$Bar); echo "\$Foo = $Foo"; which produced: $Foo = 102.84999999999999431566; I am completely lost. -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php