How about function highlight_text($text, $highlight) { return preg_replace('/(' . $highlight . ')/i', '<span class="highlight">$1</span>', $text); } Case should be retained and the search is case insensitive HTH Dan ------------------- -----Original Message----- From: Nicolas Verhaeghe [mailto:nicolas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Sent: 23 February 2006 00:55 To: 'Chris' Cc: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: RE: Case issue with eregi_replace in text highlight function That's not where the issue is. Eregi_replace conducts a case insensitive SEARCH but how the REPLACE operates has nothing to do with it. If you use ereg_replace, then it is most obviously not going to replace "MacOS" with "<span class=highlight>macos</span>" or even "<span class=highlight>MacOS</span>", because the string searched for is of a different case. But thanks for helping. -----Original Message----- From: Chris [mailto:dmagick@xxxxxxxxx] Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 5:39 PM To: Nicolas Verhaeghe Cc: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx Subject: Re: Case issue with eregi_replace in text highlight function > Here is the function: > > function highlight_text($text, $highlight) { > return eregi_replace($highlight, "<span class=highlight>" . $highlight > . "</span>", $text); } > > In this case, if the text to highglight is: > > MacOS X Super Gizmo > > And a client searches for the string "macos", the result will be: > > <span class=highlight>macos</span> X Super Gizmo You're using the eregi_replace function - which does case insensitive replaces (read the man page). Change it to use ereg_replace -- Postgresql & php tutorials -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: __________ NOD32 1.1416 (20060222) Information __________ This message was checked by NOD32 antivirus system. -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: