On Wed, Feb 22, 2006 at 12:38:19PM +0800, Louie Miranda wrote: > Im having a trouble displaying special characters like #, + on GD (Jpeg) - > Image. When i typed in on the form +88 it only shows 88 and the + sign is > missing. > > My code: > <?php > .. > $line_1_1 = urldecode($_GET["line_1_1"]); You dont want to urldecode() the $_GET vars. PHP already does this step. See what happens with: var_dump(urldecode($_GET['line_1_1'])); var_dump($_GET['line_1_1']); > ... > I made a couple of tests and found this variables. > > The data that will be pass: +88and# > Data from the url (address box): &line_1_1=%2B88and%23 > Image displayed: 88and - only missing + and # > > What could i be missing? Well if you dont use the urldecode() as mentioned above, the only reasons i can think of (assuming + will display properly now): - The font doesn't have a definition for # - The area isn't big enough so # is getting truncated. Curt. -- cat .signature: No such file or directory -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php