I'v got CLASS 1 and CLASS2.
CLASS1 makes many instanses of CLASS2 and stores them in an array.
load class definition...
<form typ......
$cl1=new CLASS1;
I serialize CLASS1 into a $_SESSION['cla1']
->submit form ->
and unsreialize it to same var
$cl1 is operational with same data as before 'submit form'. I can change
values of data in $cl1.
I CAN read/print data in the instanses of CLASS2 that $cl1 created
before 'submit form'.
I CAN NOT change the data in the instanses of CLASS2 that $cl1 created
before 'submit form'.
mark I'v only serialized CLASS1.
Is this at all possible ??
I'v find it strange since I can use/print the data that is stored in
CLASS2 before 'submit form'.
Roger Helgesen
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