i have a question about what i beleive to be called archiving... i am building a news script and would like to limit post to be displayed per page i have done this successfully. what i am having probplems with is displaying the next set of news. here is my code: <?php include("core.php"); session_start(); $gi = mysql_query("select * from news ORDER by id asc"); while ($d = mysql_fetch_array($gi)) { $id = $d[id]; $title = $d[title]; $news = $d[news]; $poster = $d[poster]; $pdate = $d[date]; $ptime = $d[time]; ?> <b> <u><i><?php echo("$title"); ?></u></i><br><br> <p> <?php $i = $i + 1; echo("$news"); ?><br><br> Posted By: <?php echo("$poster"); ?>, On <?php echo("$pdate"); ?> @ <?php echo("$ptime"); ?> <br> <?php if ($nerd == bignerds) { echo("<a href=\"admin.php\">Edit Post</a> "); echo(" <a href=\"admin.php?view=delete_news&id=$id&delete=true\">Delete Post</a><br><br>"); } if ($i >= 1) { break; } ?> </b> <?php } ?> this gets it to stop after one post. i was thinking about setting a variable on the last post displayed, but to me this doesn't seem like the most logical way. if someone could point me in the right direction, or send me to a tutorial on the subject i would greatly appreaciate it... thank you in advance