On 2/16/06, Mike Tuller <php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
How do I clear out the POST variables, or the variables that I have
set from the POST variables, so that when the page is refreshed it
will not resubmit. I have tried unset() and have tried to set it to and
empty value, but it doesn't seem to work.
When needed, I usually loop through the entire $_POST array and
concatenate all the values to one (long?) string - then I take an MD5
hash of this string together with the form name and put in the
$_SESSION array. Now each time one of my scripts with a form action
loads, I include a script in the top which checks the MD5 hash of the
current $_REQUEST array with the one in the $_SESSION array using the
same name, if it exists - unset($_REQUEST) before the form is normally
parsed and action is taken.
(This idea of a script came from one of my co-workers)
Why not use a session ID? Allow post into your dB only once per session.
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