Thanks for replying. Here's the code I put into download.php:
$fileid = $_GET['file_id'];
$filearray = array(
$location = $filearray['a'.$fileid];
if($location!='') {
header("LOCATION: $location");
But when I send it: http://example.com/download.php?file_id=0 , I get
the following error-
Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
(output started at /public_html/download.php:6) in
/public_html/download.php on line 18
Any idea what's going wrong?
Russell Jones wrote:
$fileid = $_GET['file_id'];
$filearray = array(
$location = $filearray['a'.$fileid];
if($location!='') {
header("LOCATION: $location");
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