Austin Denyer wrote:
On Mon, 23 Jan 2006 16:37:12 +0000
David Grant <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
tedd wrote:
Hi all:
While I'm sure this is obvious for most, but I just discovered this.
Using one browser (browser A) I can access one of my pages and
create a cookie with a user input value.
Then using a different browser (browser B), I can access the same
page and create another cookie with another user value.
Now, it would seem to me that I shouldn't have two cookies with the
same name both having different contents, but that's exactly what
I've found -- for browser A will produce one value and browser B
will produce another value.
Can you provide some examples for what you mean?
I think he's referring to the fact that you can have one cookie in,
say, Mozilla and another one in, say, Konqueror (or Internet Exploiter
if you do Windoze).
No i think he is more referring to that some "different" values are stored.
But unless we dont get an example, it's useless to discuss that further :P
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