Re: ftp_get, ftp_put problem

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On Fri, January 20, 2006 7:26 am, Antonis Varkas wrote:
> I am writing a php script to upload/download a file onto/from an FTP
> Server. I manage to connect to the server, login correctly, change
> directory, list all the files there but fail to get or put the file.
> The documentation says that ftp_get and ftp_put return TRUE or FALSE.
> In
> my case nothing at all is returned.
> Using the following code part, the $test variable is empty
> // upload the file
> $test = ftp_put($conn_id, $remote_file, $local_file, FTP_BINARY);
> if ($test) {
> 	echo "Successfully uploaded $local_file.\n";
> } else {
> 	echo "There was a problem while uploading $local_file.\n";
> 	echo("TEST: ".$test."\n<br/>");
> }
> I don't get any warnings.
> Does this indicate something I can't figure out ?

FTP active/passive setting changes whether FTP tries to open up a
second connection back to your computer to put/get the actual file
contents, leaving the original connection for you to send more
commands etc.

If your firewall doesn't allow that second connection to happen, then
you may encounter this phenomenon.

Try switching active/passive around and see what you get.

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