Hi, I'm having a problem with the following function: function terms($term,$field){ if(strlen($term)>0){ if(!stristr($term, $field) === FALSE) { $output = str_replace($term, "<b>".$term."</b>", $field); } elseif(!stristr(strtolower($term), $field) === FALSE) { $output = str_replace(strtolower($term), "<b>".strtolower($term)."</b>", $field); } elseif(!stristr(strtoupper($term), $field) === FALSE) { $output = str_replace(strtoupper($term), "<b>".strtoupper($term)."</b>", $field); } elseif(!stristr(ucfirst($term), $field) === FALSE) { $output = str_replace(ucfirst($term), "<b>".ucfirst($term)."</b>", $field); } } else { $output = $field; } return $output; } I'm not comfortable enough with regex etc, so tried it my way, but no joy. For info, I am trying to highlight search terms in results. Any suggestions? George -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php