Adrian Bruce wrote:
the quickest solution and one that is easy to understand, I am no php
expert and have never claimed as such so why 'noob'?
Why is this such a poor method? if i type the HTML to be outputted
correctly then what validation is required? also I think Someone new
would run from your proposed solution
I don't really care if she runs. actually if she is liable to run then
that probably saves us here a lot of 'silly' questions ;-)
her original question:
"Is there a way to display data from database for Select Options in a form?"
the short answer is: 'yes'
but the way her original question was posted suggests that maybe she has
_absolutely_ no idea about how to use php... I mean google is able to
help her in theory:
either she has no idea what to search for or she was to lazy to try -
if the former then she should have not be ashamed to keep asking away, if
the latter then, well, who cares.
the reason I gave her what might be more than she can chew (the function)
was because:
a, her initial question was a bit vague (or rather broad)
b, to show that there can be a little more to generating dynamic elements
like select box.
c, to encourage generic code.
d, test her and she what her reaction is (hopefully she won't run away; instead
maybe she'll come back with a more specific question and DB data extraction)**
** heck I'm on this list for fun :-)
Jochem Maas wrote:
teaching noobs to output html while (oun intended) looping thru a
result set is counter-productive. discuss.
Adrian Bruce wrote:
Something along these lines will work fine
$query = mysql_query("select dates from table ") or die (mysql_error());
echo"<select name='test'>";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query, MYSQL_NUM)){
echo"<option value='$row[0]'>$row[1]</option>";
Sue wrote:
We have a form that contains a Select option for a listing of
available dates for the user to choose from. Right now we have to
manually change the dates within the form's Selection list as new
dates become available to choose from. We currently store these
available dates in our database, and am wondering if we can somehow
extract these dates from the table to display in our form? This
would eliminate alot of maintenance needed to this form. If anyone
has any ideas as to reference material etc. that I may look which
would give me an idea how to do this using PHP, I'd appreciate it!
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