Hi Angelo,
You may create a separate table called "currencies" and put two fields
like "currency_id" and "currency_desc" in it. Insert all the currencies
you're using to this table. At the end, you'll have a currency_id for
each of your currencies. Now, you can use those ID numbers in your forms
and in your codes for any kind of data collection and data manipulation.
It's always better to define frequently used variables using this way.
Angelo Zanetti wrote:
Hi guys,
Im having problems with the Euro and Pound currency signs and storing
them etc...
here is my scenario. I have a menu/list of currencies available for
selection, HTML below for the signs:
When listed in the browser they show fine.
When I want to save them, they are saved as the actual sign in the DB
and not the HTML code for the symbol, which isnt a train smash, however,
when I try compare the values in the DB with the predefined list of
currency symbols, I get some problems.
The below if statement doesnt seem to resolve:
if ($row['p_currency'] == "€") //where € is also the value in the DB
even if the value is €, or € it still never reverts to true...
So is there a special way I should be treating the symbols and maybe a
special way I should be storing them? or comparing them?
thanks in advance
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