Now might be the time to start looking at Unicode characters.
Here's a start:
There's all sorts of ways to show special characters.
For example, the BULLET (Unicode 2022) can be shown by:
• <-- Note
Please note that "8226" is DEC for the HEX value
of 2202 (Unicode code point for BULLET). As such,
if you find the Unicode code point for the
character you want, all you have to do is: 1) to
convert it to DEC; 2) add the prefix of "&#" and
the suffix of ";" 3) and you'll have a character
that will be shown in browsers.
So, my advice would be to store the DEC value of
the currency label and not worry about comparing
glyphs, which may not be consistent across
browsers and OS's. Whereas, Unicode will be
Hi guys,
Im having problems with the Euro and Pound
currency signs and storing them etc...
here is my scenario. I have a menu/list of
currencies available for selection, HTML below
for the signs:
When listed in the browser they show fine.
When I want to save them, they are saved as the
actual sign in the DB and not the HTML code for
the symbol, which isnt a train smash, however,
when I try compare the values in the DB with the
predefined list of currency symbols, I get some
The below if statement doesnt seem to resolve:
if ($row['p_currency'] == "¤") //where ¤ is also the value in the DB
even if the value is ¤, or € it still never reverts to true...
So is there a special way I should be treating
the symbols and maybe a special way I should be
storing them? or comparing them?
thanks in advance
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