thanks everybody who answered me,
the segment bellow is the code that gave me problems, the $app_name was the
7th parameter neccesary for me to call the GetCommandDeclaration function,
the solution I had for a while was to declare the variable global. :(
As you can see , the rest of variables got their values from a simple mysql
Thanks in advance for any answer
$app_name = "";
function GetCommandDeclaration($RPM, $var2, $RFactor, $minimum, $maximum,
global $app_name;
//code here
function Process(){
global $db, $app_name;
$query = get_query_declaration();
$result = mysql_query($query, $db);
$rowCount = mysql_num_rows($result);
$myCounter = 0;
while ($myCounter < $rowCount){
mysql_data_seek($result, $myCounter);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$RPM = $row['RPM'];
$var2 = $row['var2'];
$RFactor = $row['RFactor'];
$minimum = $row['minimum'];
$maximum = $row['maximum'];
$sport = $row['$sport'];
$app_name = $row['app_name'];
$str_command_declaration = GetProcedureDeclaration($RPM, $var2,
$minimum, $maximum,
//code here
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