PHP Superman wrote:
Hey everyone, is there a way to return all the variables from a string into an array, for example $Var1="Yo"; $Var2="Man"; $SQL="SELECT * FROM tblname WHERE 4=$Var1 AND WHERE 3=$Var2"; $AllVars=MySpecialFunction($SQL);
your function MySpecialFunction() will recieve the following string: "SELECT * FROM tblname WHERE 4=Yo AND WHERE 3=Man" which apart from being (probably) incorrect SQL, is just a string - how is your special function supposed to tell which chars are part of the previously injected variables' values - and even more impossible: how would the function find out what those variables we're called to begin with (it can't). what is it you would like to achieve? rgds, jochem PS - learn to walk before you fly ;-)
print_r($AllVars); would ideally print an array like: { array $Var1="Yo" $Var2="Man" } i think i should use an ereg or preg replace but I don't know much about them or how to use them, thanks in advance
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