Jay Blanchard wrote:
I would have to see your code to see how the $_GET array grows.
Following is my code as it is. I wrote something similar in Python but
it creates static html pages with way more code. I decided to switch to
PHP and make it dynamic.
<title>Cad File Finder</title>
// this is not polished code with all the gotcha stuff in place
// this is very much in the rough at this point. I am not
concerned with looks yet.
$the_dir = $_GET['directory'];
if($the_dir == '') $the_dir = 'c:/suncosys'; // edit to some
existing directory
echo $the_dir.'<br>';
$dh = @opendir($the_dir);
while (($filename = readdir($dh))) {
if (is_dir($the_dir."/".$filename)) {
echo "<a
echo "<br/>";
if (is_file($the_dir."/".$filename)) {
$the_file = $the_dir."/".$filename;
$f_contents = file_get_contents($the_file);
echo "<a href=\"file:///".$the_file."\">".$filename."</a>";
echo " : file size : ".filesize($the_file);
echo " : ";
print strpos($f_content, "_Title_");
fclose($f_handle); // close the file
echo "<br/>";
$the_dir = NULL;
$_PUT['directory'] = NULL; // ????
// printed for debugging only
echo 'the_dir: '.$the_dir.'<br>';
echo 'get_dir: '.$_GET['directory'].'<br>';
// phpinfo(); // uncommment to display php info
Marlin Unruh
Sunco Systems Inc.
(308) 326-4400
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