Mark Rees wrote:
the normal way of doing session 'closing' is by way of 'garbage
- every now and then a script/process/function is run that 'closes' any
sessions which are (according to your criteria) inactive. php has stuff
built it that will do this for you to a degree.
Is there a way I can access sessions from other users on a script?
what exactly do you mean by that last sentence? I don't quite follow it.
If yes I could store the session id on a table and later check if isset.
You could write the session id into a table when the session is started,
along with the start time.
Something like
sessionid CHAR|starttime DATETIME|lastvisittime DATETIME
You could then update this table each time the user visits a page, and
delete it if the interval between starttime and lastvisittime is longer than
you want. A cron job/scheduled task could be used to clean this table up
a nice description of 'session garbage collection' :-) ....
which is pretty much all you can do in terms of 'logoff'.
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