Um I did actually, but I will re-interate the problem with more detail.
the vars $mac1, $mac2, & $mac3 are to get passed to the chk_mac()
function which determines if it is a valid hex representation of a h/w
address, if it does not meet the criteria of having a ":" separating
every two characters it then passes the var to the fix_mac() function
which attempts to fix the string or h/w address by either replacing any
"-" with a ":" or to break the h/w address up and insert a ":" every two
characters. I also believe this is the one you should be playing with
as the last post I added a new regex which wasn't working.
Any help is appreciated.
* function to check validity of MAC address for the ISC DHCPD daemon
* ex. 00:AA:11:BB:22:CC
function chk_mac( $mac ) {
if( ( eregi(
$mac ) ) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
* check validity of MAC & do replacements if necessary
function fix_mac( $mac ) {
global $mac;
if( eregi( "^[0-9A-Fa-f-\:]$", $mac ) ) {
$mac1 = $mac;
echo "MAC: $mac1<br>";
/* strip the dash & replace with a colon */
if( eregi(
$mac ) ) {
$mac1 = preg_replace( "/\-/", ":", $mac );
echo "MAC: $mac1<br>";
/* add a colon for every two characters */
if( eregi( "^[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}$", $mac ) ) {
/* split up the MAC and assign new var names */
@list( $mac_1, $mac_2, $mac_3, $mac_4, $mac_5, $mac_6 ) = @str_split(
$mac, 2 );
/* put it back together with the required colons */
$mac1 = $mac_1 . ":" . $mac_2 . ":" . $mac_3 . ":" . $mac_4 . ":" .
$mac_5 . ":" . $mac_6;
echo "MAC: $mac1<br>";
return $mac1;
// do our checks to make sure we are using these damn things right
$mac1 = "00aa11bb22cc";
$mac2 = "00-aa-11-bb-22-cc";
$mac3 = "00:aa:11:bb:22:cc";
$mac4 = "zz:00:11:22:ff:xx";
if( chk_mac( $mac1 ) != 0 ) {
$mac = fix_mac( $mac1 );
echo $mac1 . " converted to " . $mac . "<br>";
} else {
echo "$mac1 is valid.<br>";
if( chk_mac( $mac2 ) != 0 ) {
$mac = fix_mac( $mac2 );
echo $mac2 . " converted to " . $mac . "<br>";
} else {
echo "$mac2 is valid.<br>";
if( chk_mac( $mac3 ) != 0 ) {
$mac = fix_mac( $mac3 );
echo $mac3 . " converted to " . $mac . "<br>";
} else {
echo "$mac3 is valid.<br>";
if( chk_mac( $mac4 ) != 0 ) {
$mac = fix_mac( $mac4 );
echo $mac4 . " converted to " . $mac . "<br>";
} else {
echo "$mac4 is valid.<br>";
Jasper Bryant-Greene wrote:
On Wed, 2005-10-26 at 11:15 -0600, Jason Gerfen wrote:
I am having a problem with a couple of function I have written to check
for a type of string, attempt to fix it and pass it back to the main
function. Any help is appreciated.
Would you mind telling us what the problem was?
Jason Gerfen
"My girlfriend threated to
leave me if I went boarding...
I will miss her."
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