Re: Processing two post values

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...not quite sure what you're asking. Are you asking for help on how to process these variables?

I wrote this off the top of my head... meaning that I did not test it... since I don't know if this was what you were asking... I just fiddled with it. Add this code and tell me if it prints out the sql statements the way you wanted


I think your code is wrong here

<form action="<?php action=<?php echo $frm['action']; ?>&property_id=<?php echo $_GET['property_id']; ?>" method="post">

should be

<form action="<?php echo $frm['action'];?>&property_id=<?php echo $_GET['property_id']; ?>" method="post">


====BEGIN CODE====

$roomArray = array();
$roomArray['bedroom'] = array();
$roomArray['bathroom'] = array();

* I am assuming all you have are 3 types of rooms, 'bedroom', 'bathroom', and 'reception'
* I am also assuming that the lowest room number is 1 and that the all the room values are of the following format :
* the format is strict, there must be an "_" after the room name and one after room number

* Loop through post, and if the form name starts with a room name... then try to "decipher" the form name. * If appropriate, then add.
foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value)
/* * see if the $key has "_" after the first character
    *  and another "_" after the first one
* * Search for the following
    *  Valid form names are of
* * CHARACTER + (1 or more letters) + "_" + NUMBER + (1 or more numbers) + "_" + (X or Y)
* Using explode, if we break a form name at the '_', the valid types should break into three pieces
    *    room name
    *    room number
    *    room dimension(x or y)

   $roomDataArray = explode('_', $key);

   if (count($roomDataArray)==3)
$roomName = $roomDataArray[0]; $roomNumber = $roomDataArray[1];
         $roomDimension = $roomDataArray[2];

/* * check to see if $roomName exists in $roomArray,
          *  $roomNumber is a number
          *  $roomDimension is 'X'  or  'Y'
          *  $_POST[$key] is a number > 0
if (isset($roomArray[$roomName])
            && is_numeric($roomNumber)
&& (strcasecmp($roomDimension, 'x') == 0 || strcasecmp($roomDimension, 'y')==0)
            && is_numeric($_POST[$key])
) { if (!isset($roomArray[$roomName][$roomNumber])) $roomArray[$roomName][$roomNumber] = array();

           $roomArray[$roomName][$roomNumber][$roomDimension] = $value;
            //By the way, $_POST[$key] = $value, in case I lost 'ya there

* At this point, $roomArray should be of the following format
*  $roomArray['bedroom'][1][x] = 10;
*  $roomArray['bedroom'][1][y] = 20;
*  .
*  .
*  .
*  etc.
* * generate an insert sql statement PER ROOM

echo 'sql commands <BR><BR>';

foreach ($roomArray as $roomName=>$roomNumberDataArray)
   foreach ($roomNumberDataArray as $roomNumber=>$roomDimensionArray)
      foreach ($roomDimensionArray as $roomDimension => $value)
$sql = 'insert into database.table("roomName", "roomNumber", "roomDimensionName", "roomDimensionValue") values ("'.$roomName.'", "'.$roomNumber.'", "'.$roomDimension.'", "'.$value.'");';

           echo $sql.'<BR>';

echo 'done';

====END CODE====

Shaun wrote:


I have a form on my site with a database driven amount of rooms for a property - bedrooms, bathrooms and receptions.

For each room there will be a textfield allowing users to enter the x and y dimensions.

For each room I need to insert the values to the database, however I cant think of a way to do this. All one can do with php is a foreach on the $_POST values whereas I need to process two at a time i.e. one insert of the x and y values per room. Here is the form I have created:

<form action="<?php action=<?php echo $frm['action']; ?>&property_id=<?php echo $_GET['property_id']; ?>" method="post">
  $i = 1;
  while( $i <= $frm["Number_Of_Bedrooms"] ){
  <td>Bedroom <?php echo $i ?>
  <td>X:<input name="bedroom_<?php echo $i ?>_x" type="text" /></td>
  <td>Y:<input name="bedroom_<?php echo $i ?>_y" type="text" /></td>
  $i = 1;
  while( $i <= $frm["Number_Of_Bathrooms"] ){
  <td>Bathroom <?php echo $i ?>
  <td>X:<input name="bathroom_<?php echo $i ?>_x" type="text" /></td>
  <td>Y:<input name="bathroom_<?php echo $i ?>_y" type="text" /></td>
  $i = 1;
  while( $i <= $frm["Number_Of_Receptions"] ){
  <td>Reception <?php echo $i ?>
  <td>X:<input name="reception_<?php echo $i ?>_x" type="text" /></td>
  <td>Y:<input name="reception_<?php echo $i ?>_y" type="text" /></td>
<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="<? echo $frm["submit_text"]; ?>"></td>

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