Ndagi Mutiri wrote:
I can't be of any help here but couldn't help noticing
that th OP (Ndagi) is dealing with dutch language DB entities and
comments/output in french and code (vars etc) in english ....
bet that can be a PITA :-)
Trying to read a binary file in MySQL database, i have the following error :
Warning: fopen(./) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in d:\...\download.php on line 57
This is line 57 $file_handle = fopen("./" . $file_name, "r");
and my function
function db_download_file($dbname, $file, $idreunion) {
//Sélectionne la base de données
//Requête SQL
$select = "SELECT " . $file . " FROM inter_vertaaldienst WHERE id_reunion = '" . $idreunion . "'";
//Exécution de la requête
$file_records = @mysql_query($select);
//En cas d'erreur, on affiche un message
if (!$file_records){echo('<p>Erreur :' . mysql_error().'<p>');}
//Autrement, on affiche le fichier
if($file_record = mysql_fetch_array($file_records)){
$file_handle = fopen("./" . $file_name, "r");
$file_bytes = $file_record[0];
fwrite($file_handle, $file_bytes, strlen($file_bytes));
$return_value = "./" . $file_name;
Thank for your help.
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