I need to figure out a way to iterate through a binary file and
offset values between two address by a fixed number
Why ?
I am attempting to add file data to a pre-existing Quicktime file....
In the Quicktime file format, the 'stco' atom stores the location of
all the track data in the Quicktime file
If I add new data, all the 'stco' locations will be incorrect
So, basically, I need to change all the offsets
here is a picture of the stco data that needs to be offset
here is the HEX data representation of the stco atom in a hex editor:
Are there any good php tutorials out there that deal with binary/hex
operations of this sort ?
Thus far, I have not seen many tutorials featuring functions like
bin2hex(), pack, and unpack
I am a bit new to binary so any help is appreciated :)
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