The problem is if I don't specify and encoding even an echo() on the
string shows strange chars when I have made a mb_strtoupper() on the
string. With HTML-ENTITIES at least it looked ok when you made an echo()
but when saved in file it looks bad.
Does anybody now what I can do in order to make the string into capital
letters, be able to save it to a file and looking as it should look,
that is: Asunción and not ASUNCIÓN?
Jochem Maas wrote:
Erfan Shirazi wrote:
Hi all
I have some problems when I make a string containing the following
"Malmö, Asunción" to capital letters and then save it to a file.
I use the following to make it to capital letters:
$msg = mb_strtoupper($msg, "HTML-ENTITIES");
^- you are telling mb_strtoupper to
encode your 'funky' chars into html entities.
And this works just fine, everything looks as it should, but when I
save it to a file, this is how it looks:
\---------------------- notice the names: 'Ouml' meaning. 'O umlaut'
It seems it has problems with "ó" and "Ö", does anybody know how this
it has no problems AFAICT, the characters you mention have been turned
into html entities... these entities (in the form '&' + xyz + ';') are
shown in the browser as the relevant char.
can be solved? I have tried some different encodings but nothing helps,
the solution is to not convert to html entities, or (if its required) only
converting to html entities when you want to output something to the
I'm using PHP 4.3.2.
Thx in advance for all help.
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