Murray @ PlanetThoughtful wrote:
Hi All, I've recently been working on building my own wiki engine for my blog site. While the majority of the engine is complete, a remaining concern I have is how to handle competing edits (ie when two or more people are editing the same wiki page simultaneously). I'm wondering if anyone else on the list has given this some thought? How would / do you handle competing edits to the same entry in a wiki application?
We use a combination of locking the record using a simple boolean column together with the user id who has locked the item and the timestamp.
The locking prevents another user from opening the form and happily editing away without realising his changes will be lost when he presses submit. The user id is to inform the second user who has opened the document, and the timestemp is so that the first guy doesnt open the document and go out for lunch leaving it locked. We default it to 5 minutes after which someone else can open the document and edit it.
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