Re: session_name("CCLTrolley")

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>This is the old version I demonstrated. You should go with the later
>version that sets the values to the quantity :)

I thought I had? Haven't I?
But this is the easiest shopping cart I have ever seen.
However, I still have not understood what you were doing with these lines I commented out.

   if( isset( $_SESSION['TrolleyContents'][$_POST['RNum']] ) )
   #    $_SESSION['TrolleyContents'][$_POST['RNum']] -= 1;
   #    if( $_SESSION['TrolleyContents'][$_POST['RNum']] <= 0 )
   #    {
           unset( $_SESSION['TrolleyContents'][$_POST['RNum']] );
   #    }

They did not work, or seem to?



[TrolleyContents] => Array
[2378] => 2378
[2504] => 2504

session_name( 'CCLTrolley' );

// Initialize the trolley.
if( !isset( $_SESSION['TrolleyContents'] ) )
   $_SESSION['TrolleyContents'] = array();

echo $_POST['ShopAction']."!!<br>";

if("add" == $_POST['ShopAction'])
   echo "adding ...";
   // Add new entry:

   if( isset( $_POST['RNum'] ) )
       $_SESSION['TrolleyContents'][$_POST['RNum']] = $_POST['RNum'];
   echo implode( ',', $_SESSION['TrolleyContents'] );

   #echo $_POST['RNum']."!!<br>";
   echo "deleting ...";
   //Delete an entry:
   if( isset( $_SESSION['TrolleyContents'][$_POST['RNum']] ) )
   #    $_SESSION['TrolleyContents'][$_POST['RNum']] -= 1;
   #    if( $_SESSION['TrolleyContents'][$_POST['RNum']] <= 0 )
   #    {
           unset( $_SESSION['TrolleyContents'][$_POST['RNum']] );
   #    }
print_r( $_SESSION );

--------Delete form: snip -------
<form ACTION="trolley.php" METHOD="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="RNum" value="2378">
<input type="hidden" name="searchenquiry" value="Taylor-Johnston, John"><input type="hidden" name="ShopAction" value="delete"> <input type="image" name="submit" src="/icon/full3.gif" border="0" alt="Delete" title="Delete" style="padding-right: 5px;"><br><small>Delete</small></form>

--------Add form: snip -------
<form targt="printwindow" ACTION="trolley.php" METHOD="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="RNum" value="2504">
<input type="hidden" name="searchenquiry" value="John Taylor-Johnston"><input type="hidden" name="ShopAction" value="add"> <input type="image" name="submit" src="/icon/empty3.gif" border="0" alt="Add to cart" title="Add to cart" style="padding-right: 5px;"><br><small>Add to cart</small></form>

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