I have a couple of files where I output xml based upon URI parameters
passed into a PHP file.
So I end up getting urls like this:
which outputs xml just fine to a web browser but doesn't seem to work
for a server.
The problem I'm having is that I'd like to be able to open this file
and then transform it via a stylesheet like below. Unfortunately, it
gives me the following error:
Warning: I/O warning : failed to load external entity
"menu_render.php?menu_id=4&format=xml" in...
I thought I was able to so this before. Does anybody know what I'm
doing wrong. Help! Do you think it's a permissions issue?
//works ok
$xsl=new DomDocument();
//works ok
$xslt=new XSLTProcessor();
$xml=new DomDocument();
//neither of these work
//this will load ok if just a scrape of the above
echo $results;
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