Here's we go. A better script here. Now I only need to figure out how to add data to the string and assigned it to string 1 when done. I used hte break command there to make a point here. Maybe this will work... --snip-- $array = array ( 'NEWSFEED' => array ( '0' => array ( 'MESSAGE' => array ( '0' => array ( 'COMMENT' => array ( '0' => array ( 'VALUE' => 'Comment #1' ) ) ), '1' => array ( 'COMMENT' => array ( '0' => array ( 'VALUE' => 'Comment #2' ) ) ) ) ) ) ); function GetXmlStr($tree) { $branch_level = 0; //Tree's branches level... XmlTreeDecompile($tree, $branch_level, $str1, $str2, $str3); //echo $str1." #<br>"; //echo $str2." #<br>"; //echo $str3." #<br>"; return htmlentities($str1.$str2.$str3); } function XmlTreeDecompile($tree, $branch_level, &$str1, &$str2, &$str3) { $branch_level++; foreach($tree as $key => $value) { if ($branch_level % 2 != 0) { //xml name-tag counter... if(!(is_array($value))) { $str2 .= str_repeat(" ",$branch_level)."<".$key.">".$value."</".$key.">"."\r\n"; } else { $str1 .= str_repeat(" ",$branch_level)."<".$key.">"."\r\n"; XmlTreeDecompile($value, $branch_level, $str1, $str2, $str3); $str3 .= str_repeat(" ",$branch_level)."</".$key.">"."\r\n"; } } else { //Xml tag's name... //echo $key." #<br>"; if ($key != 0) { break; //$str1 .= $str2; //$str2 = ""; } XmlTreeDecompile($value, $branch_level, $str1, $str2, $str3); } } echo $str1." \n--\n"; echo $str2." \n--\n"; echo $str3." \n--\n"; } $xml_string = GetXmlStr($array); echo "\n<br><br>\n".$xml_string; --snip-- -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: