Scott Fletcher wrote:
Need some help here... The script didn't turned out right, especially with the <Message> tags... For your conveince, I posted the code of my work here with a slim-down testcase... --snip-- $array = array ( 'NEWSFEED' => array ( '0' => array ( 'MESSAGE' => array ( '0' => array ( 'COMMENT' => array ( '0' => array ( 'VALUE' => 'Comment #1' ) ) ), '1' => array ( 'COMMENT' => array ( '0' => array ( 'VALUE' => 'Comment #2' ) ) ) ) ) ) );
that array is structurally the same as the first output xml - I would say the function seems to work.. wat do you get when you stuff this thru your function: $array = array('NEWSFEED' => array( '0' => array( 'MESSAGE' => array( '0' => array( 'COMMENT' => array( '0' => array( 'VALUE' => 'Comment #1')))), '1' => array( 'MESSAGE' => array( '0' => array( 'COMMENT' => array( '0' => array( 'VALUE' => 'Comment #2')))) )));
function my_build_xml($xml_tree, $x) { global $xml_data; $x++; foreach($xml_tree as $key => $value) { if(is_array($value)) { if ($x % 2 != 0) { $xml_data .= str_repeat(" ",$x)."<".$key.">"."\r\n"; my_build_xml($value, $x); $xml_data .= str_repeat(" ",$x)."</".$key.">"."\r\n"; } else { my_build_xml($value, $x); } } else { if ($x % 2 != 0) { $xml_data .= str_repeat(" ",$x)."<".$key.">".$value."</".$key.">"."\r\n"; } } } } my_build_xml($array, "0"); echo $xml_data; --snip-- The response I got is this... --snip-- <NEWSFEED> <MESSAGE> <COMMENT> <VALUE>Comment #1</VALUE> </COMMENT> <COMMENT> <VALUE>Comment #2</VALUE> </COMMENT> </MESSAGE> </NEWSFEED> --snip-- which is not correct. The original xml data was
how did you transform the xml data into an array?
--snip-- $xml_str = "<NewsFeed>"; $xml_str .= " <Message>"; $xml_str .= " <Comment>"; $xml_str .= " <![CDATA[Comment #1]]>"; $xml_str .= " </Comment>"; $xml_str .= " </Message>"; $xml_str .= " <Message>"; $xml_str .= " <Comment>"; $xml_str .= " <![CDATA[Comment #2]]>"; $xml_str .= " </Comment>"; $xml_str .= " </Message>"; $xml_str .= "</NewsFeed>"; --snip-- I'm not gonna sweat about the difference between CDATA and VALUE which is not the point here. The point here is the <Message> tags are incorrect. It showed that I'm not doing somethign right with the foreach() function... Some help here will be greatly appreciated. Thanks...
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