Re: Optimal Regex?

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keep it on the list please.

and you still didn't answer the question :-)

> preg_match_all($expression, "$string", $matches);
>                                     ^-- why ? ...
>     are you wrapping the variable in double quotes?

...and also from your code:
$string = (334,-53.44),(111,222);
		^-- er what is this 'string' about?

David Pollack wrote:
I added the $string and $expression variables at the last minue for readabilty, before I just had it all in the preg_match_all. I'm using a

ah but they were not valid code - which can confuse matters.
try to post code that runs if you can (i.e. test if you're providing
a testcase) .. i guess you have to kind of flip that argument inside
out when it comes to enquiring whether something might be a bug -
there is still testing involved tho.

have you ever used 'php -r' - it's brilliant - especially when you
fund out how easy it is to cut and paste into a bash[-like] shell
(probably using Putty if/when your on windows). be ware of
single quotes.

simple test file for this. I used your example and it returned two identical arrays with the correct information. Interesting.

maybe my regexp is not only bad but also wrong [for
grepping coordinates in a 'any' variation of '( 123 ,-45.78)' ] ?

$coordRE = "(?:[ ]?[-+]?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?[ ]?)";
$coordsRE = "#(\\({$coordRE},{$coordRE}\\))#";

var_dump($coordRE, $coordsRE);


moulin@moulin~ -- Tue Sep 27 00:24:20
$> php -r '
$> $coordRE = "(?:[ ]?[-+]?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?[ ]?)";
$> $coordsRE = "#(\\({$coordRE},{$coordRE}\\))#";
$> var_dump($coordRE, $coordsRE);
$> '
string(30) "(?:[ ]?[-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?[ ]?)"
string(69) "#(\((?:[ ]?[-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?[ ]?),(?:[ ]?[-+]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?[ ]?)\))#"

On 9/26/05, *Jochem Maas* <jochem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:jochem@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> > wrote:

    David Pollack wrote:
     > I need to catch all instances of a coordinate in a give string.
    So far I
     > have this, which only works if the coordinate is in a certain format.
     > $string = (334,-53.44),(111,222);

		^-- er what is this 'string' about?

     > $expression = '([(][-]?[0-9]*[.0-9]*?,[-]?[0-9]*[.0-9]*?[)])';

    here's a horrid little bit of .... for you :)

<you could extract this code and run if you were really really bored>


    $testStr = <<< EOD
     > \$string = (334,-53.44),(111,222);
     > preg_match_all(\$expression, "\$string", \$matches);
     > This returns the correct strings (334,- 53.44) and (111,222), but
    Id like
     > all formats to work. Like (111, 222), ( 111 , 222 ), (111, 222 ),
    etc, etc.
     > How would I change my regex to accomplish this?

    $coordRE = "(?:[ ]?[-+]?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?[ ]?)";
    $coordsRE = "#(\\({$coordRE},{$coordRE}\\))#";
    $matches = array();
    preg_match_all($coordsRE, $testStr, $matches);
    var_dump($testStr, $matches);


</you could extract this code and run if you were really really bored>

     > preg_match_all($expression, "$string", $matches);
                                    ^-- why ? ...

    are you wrapping the variable in double quotes?

     > This returns the correct strings (334,-53.44) and (111,222), but
    I'd like
     > all formats to work. Like (111, 222), ( 111 , 222 ), (111, 222 ),
    etc, etc.
     > How would I change my regex to accomplish this?
     > --
     > David Pollack
     > DHPollack@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:DHPollack@xxxxxxxxx>
     > <>
     > <> <>

David Pollack
DHPollack@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:DHPollack@xxxxxxxxx> <> <>

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