Hi All, My very first post to this group as I'm a freshly spanked new born php baby. Hope I have the correct stop for noob tech questions. Please re-direct me if I have it wrong. I've been doing web dev for a quite while with a variety of methods (html, xhtml/css, cfml, flash/as, on and on...). I work mainly for non-profit organizations and thought it was about time to get away from commercial software. I'm doing my first site now w/ a XHTML/CSS template that uses PHP to insert data from a switch container and from a MySQL db. My problem occurs only on the server (NT 5 b.2195, PHP 4.3.10, IIS 5.0) but works great on my dev rig (XAMPP 1.4.15, VectorLinux). My template "index.php" uses 'include' to get '$vars' from two files. one for the body text and title, and the other for the navigation. Click on a link in the navbar and index.php reloads with the new navbar and the associated content each into it's <div>. Works great on my test rig but the server the site will be hosted from ignores the urlencoded vars and just loads the switch defaults. For whatever reason I tried return() instead of break. Again, it worked on my rig but not the server. I know i'm missing some dumb little thing but I have not figured out what yet. I also tried session_unset() at the beginning of the index.php in case the problem was with caching. Didn't work either but may be due to incorrect usage. Any help or advice is very greatly appreciated!! jt. index.php: <?php include 'content.php'; //sets the section title echo $title; ?> <?php include 'navigate.php'; //sets appropriate navigation menu echo $navigate; ?> <?php echo $content; //loads body text ?> content.php: <?php switch ($cont) { case artist1: $title = 'event title'; $content = '<p>some text</p> <p>some more text</p> <p class="sig">- artist name</p>'; break; case artist2,3,4: [...] break; default: $title = 'event title'; $content = '<p>some text</p> <p>some more text</p> <p class="sig">- artist name</p>'; break; } ?> navigate.php: <?php switch ($nav) { case 1: $navigate = '<ul><li><a href="index.php?nav=1&cont=artist1">Link title<br />by artist1</a></li><li><a href="index.php?nav=2&cont=artist2">link title<br />by artist2</a></li><li><a href="">some more stuff</a></li><li><a href="">Contact</a></li></ul>'; break; case 2,3,4: [...] break; default: $navigate = '<ul><li><a href="index.php?nav=1&cont=artist1">Link title<br />by artist1</a></li><li><a href="index.php?nav=2&cont=artist2">link title<br />by artist2</a></li><li><a href="">some more stuff</a></li><li><a href="">Contact</a></li></ul>'; break; } ?> -- PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/) To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php